Friday, February 15, 2008

Bill Simmons: Keep The Faith Cubs Fans

Bill Simmons is a writer for ESPN and a lifelong Red Sox fan. He has some suggestions for Cubs fans. When I was growing up, it was suggested to me by Cubs Tat that the Red Sox were the AL Cubs. Ever since then I've had a special place for them. When they collapsed along side my Cubbies in '03, I shared their pain. When they won in 2004, I was ecstatic for them. Sox fans are typically intelligent and passionate. As with a Cubs hat, you can usually chat the wearer up about baseball when you share an idle moment. They have overcome in dramatic and convincing fashion. The Cubs have a lot to learn from the Red Sox. We can do this. Just like George Michael said, you've gotta have faith.

1 comment:

Cub Tattoo said...

Great article TimTrem! Don't let them define you, stay away from the negative, and celebrate the victory! I believe we have a good team, how good, time will tell.